Saturday, September 27, 2008

Atayal language

The Atayal language is spoken by the people of Taiwan. Squliq and C’uli’ are two major dialects.

There is a dictionary of the language and a grammar. In 2002 a Bible text was published. Atayal is written in the Latin alphabet.




Reference grammars

*Huang, Lillian . "泰雅語參考語法" . Taipei: Yuanliou. Describes Mayrinax Atayal.
*Rau, D. V. . "A grammar of Atayal". Cornell University dissertation. Describes Squliq Atayal.
*Valle, G. D. . ''Handbook of Atayal, as it is spoken in Wufeng ''. Taichung: Kuangchi Press

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